February Highlights: Bayer’s latest news on Product Releases, New Technology, and Company Updates from the past month.
Top stories from Bayer Crop Science, February 2021
As many growers prepare for the approaching planting season, we’re sharing our latest news and upcoming innovations to help you stay ahead. Check out some of the top Bayer stories from last month, including company updates and information as well as the latest products and technology growers need to know about.
Here are some of our top stories from February 2021:
1. Dicamba label and training for 2021, Adams on Agriculture
2. Alex Zenteno, Dicamba product manager at Bayer, discusses XtendiMax herbicide, This Week in Agribusiness
3. A Conversation with Bayer’s New President of Crop Science, Brownfield Ag News
4. Bayer Names New Leads of Crop Science North America and The Climate Corporation, Ag Web
5. New Technology for Cotton Growers, Brownfield Ag News
6. ThryvOn technology to control thrips and plant bugs, Delta Farm Press
7. February 2020 Industry News, Cotton Farming
8. Bayer Says Open Innovation is the Way to Go, Brownfield Ag News